Should I implement kitting in my company?

Feb 10, 2023 | Kitting | 0 comments

Manufacturing companies always need the best of the best, but the customers deserve the best to, isn´t it? How could companies implement a logistics system that allows them to be competitive to satisfy the customer? Kitting is the answer!

Kitting service is a logistic solution that consists in join together different parts of a single manufacturing process to send them in a kit. Once delivered the kit, the workers can put together in the process. Whit this logistic you’ll have a faster production.

Also, kitting process brings you a value-added service that will impact in your customers. And that’s only one of the multiple advantages of kitting! Keep reading and discover why you should implement kitting in your company!


Time optimization

Reduce movements always saves time! Whit kitting process, the workers have all the items that need in their production. For that reason, they don’t need to leave their working area.

Also, the working area will be more comfortable and cleaner! You’ll have more space to do your activities whit the implementation of this logistic service.


A better supply chain

The warehouse and the production line are connecting each other. A warehouse problem affects directly in the manufacturing, but kitting services can be the answer to resolve this.

Whit this logistic system will be more agility in the supply chain. Remember that the kits will always have the necessary items to a specific process. Or if you need to send a ship, kits work the same way.

Now that we are talking about warehouse…


Resolve warehouse problems

Forget about the warehouse problems! A great advantage of kitting is the optimization of warehouse.

This logistic solution ideal especially when you want to have a better efficiency in your warehouse and kitting help you in this way:

  • Optimization of the space.
  • Generate an easy way of labelled and packing.
  • Reduce time of searching items.
  • Facilities and reduce the inventory coasts.
  • Improve parts supply.


Increment of productivity

This logistic of kit and assembly is ideal to save money and incremental productivity!

Employees don’t need to search for parts or do pre-assembly work, so the operation is cleaner and faster. Whit the kitting service, they receive the kits with the necessary components at each stage of the supply chain.


Mistakes reduction

This logistic solution does not allow mistakes. All the kits always have the necessary items that the workers need in their specific process.

Kitting improves speed and reduces overall costs because as kits are produced, assembly time and disruptions from individual production are reduced.

It’s sound fantastic, right? Now is time to contact the best logistic company!


These are the experts: First & Last Mile 3PL Logistics!

So, should you implement kitting in your company? Yes, absolutely yes! And your better option to implement is whit First & Last Mile 3PL Logistics!

We are the best logistic company in Mexico! As a strategic ally we can optimize your coast and process!

Contact us and enjoy the benefits of logistic!

And don’t forget read us! Follow us in our LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!



Written by Ricardo Méndez, Copywriter.


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