Kitting process, the solution to warehouse problems

Feb 10, 2023 | Kitting | 0 comments

Kitting is wonder! This logistic service brings you the answer to solution warehouse problems. After join all the supplies of a product in only one kit, your efficiency will grow!

But how this process can help in my warehouse? Keep reading to discover it!


Let’s talk about kitting!

We can define kitting process as the logistic services that join all the pieces of a process in one kit. This package sends to the operation and with that, you’ll reduce the mistakes in the process.

A Kitting strategy can get a faster process in the manufactory whit a low margin of mistake. Remember, the kit will have all the parts you need for a specific product.

This logistic help you to reduce the volume of existing parts in your work area and warehouse.


How to have a warehouse focused on kitting?

The logistic system of kitting will bring you a better warehouse. In that way, you only need to organize the kits according to your needs.

What characteristics must warehouse shelves have?:

  • Be versatile to stock differ class of products.
  • Contribute to a good organization.
  • Made to the required measurements.
  • Facilite access to people.
  • Keep materials visible to their easy access.

This are some logistics solutions of the kitting process in warehouse. Let’s know the benefices!


The benefits of kitting in the warehouse

Kitting services always will have a positive result in the logistic! Also, this is the answer to solve your warehouse problems.

This logistic system put every peace in its place, working whit efficiency in the whole process.

There are some benefices of kitting in warehouse:

  • Optimization of time and space: The space of the warehouse have their maximum exploitation. For that reason, the mobility grows and the time lows
  • More productivity: To have the products in kits benefice the supply chain whit non interruptions.
  • Reduction of mistakes: Thanks to the kitting, you don’t need to worry about send a wrong material. The kits always will have the material you need.
  • Cost savings: Whit the saving of time in this logistic service the costs associated with the entire process are reduced.
  • Better inventory control: The inventory always is updated whit the information of the kits. This allows the production process to be continuous and without interruptions.

Sounds incredible, isn’t it? Remove your warehouse problems whit the help of a logistic company!


First & Last Mile 3PL Logistics: the experts in kitting

We are the best logistic company in Kitting and other logistics services! We control and improve the quality in companies.

Don’t wait any longer and trust in the services of First & Last Mile 3PL Logistics!

Contact us now!

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First & Last Mile 3PL Logistics, the best in Mexico!


Written by Ricardo Méndez, Copywriter.

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