What is Packaging Inspection Service?

Jan 25, 2023 | Packaging | 0 comments

Packaging inspection is one of the most necessary supply logistics control services to supply customers and meet their needs.

Did you know that there are 3 levels of packaging? And FLM 3PL does packaging inspection for all of them!


What does the Packaging Inspection service consist of?


In the Packing Inspection service or Packing Inspection, as it is also known, we verify that the packaging complies with the quantity of product and the correct and adequate labeling.

We rule out flaws in structure and physical appearance in the types of assemblies at each level:


  • Primary or sales packaging inspection.

Primary packaging is responsible for containing, storing and protecting the product to keep it in excellent condition.

Primary packaging allows the unit sale of the product and takes small forms, such as: sacks, bags and jars, for example.


  • Inspection of secondary or collective packaging.

Secondary packaging is known for being a group of primary packaging. Secondary packaging is mostly made of cardboard or plastic boxes, and adds greater protection and facilitates the sale of products on a larger scale.


  • Tertiary packaging inspection.

Tertiary packaging is recognized for bringing together primary and secondary assemblies, where the unit is larger and its most widespread forms can be pallets and modular cardboard boxes.


These are the types of assemblies that the packaging inspection service checks to help companies ship only the best.

Do you have packages to ship? Our Packaging Inspection service helps you ship the best quality packages with the best features!

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