How is a full kitting services?

Dec 8, 2022 | Kitting | 0 comments

A full kitting service done by a fulfillment and assembly expert highlights for the solution that a third party supplier can provide.


Our kitting service consists of grouping and assembling parts of products or complete products into kits. Kitting is the process in which the parts that make up the same element or product are grouped together. This is done to maintain product control and avoid wasting time searching piece by piece as products are needed.



Benefits of a kitting and assembly service


  • Fulfillment of correct and on-time orders.
  • Inventory optimization.
  • Correct and efficient product customization.
  • Labor savings.
  • Process optimization.



What is the objective of the kit assembly process?


The kitting has as an objective, the reduction of time in the production processes, as well as the costs and with it to increase the efficiency of the industrial processes. In addition, the kitting service allows the efficient and practical manufacturing of production, streamlining the logistics chain.

Among other things, the kitting service makes it possible to save space, time and money on warehouse investments. That is why kitting is said to keep inventories low in the face of uncertain and changing customer behavior.



Our material kitting service will surprisingly help your warehouse operations.

If what you need is efficiency, order and speed in the process of assembling the parts of your products, kitting is the solution.


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